and Professionalism

We Light Up The World

Torch Bearer Club, OAU chapter was established in 2012. .

It is a social club that was created with the following aims and objectives

  • To train members for future leadership role.
  • To produce patriotic students that would have the skills and spirits to serve the club and the nation at large..
  • To co-operate and exchange ideas with other students’ organizations
  • To enhance the spirit of creativity and self-discovery among the members
  • To assist members in achieving their desired goals in the University without any form of malpractices.

We Light Up The World


There shall be fortnight meeting which is compulsory for every member of the club to attend. The meeting shall either be physical or virtual. The physical meeting shall always be done on OAU campus while the virtual meeting shall be done on the official club’s Google meet, Zoom or whatapp group or any other social media platform owned by the club.


Football, quiz, and debate competition


Excursions, seminar, empowerment scheme, tutorials, and skill acquisitions


always hold on campus at least once in a semester.

Lawal Sodiq


Part 3, Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, OAU

Onajoke Oluwagbenga

Vice President

Part 2, Department of Demography and Social Statistics, Faculty of Social Science, OAU

Abduljelil Kabirat Oluwakemi

General Secretary

Part 4, Department of Linguistics and African Languages (Yoruba Major), Faculty of Arts, OAU

Osunleke-Shuaib Nusyabah

Assistant General Secretary

Part 3, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, OAU.

Ojetola Ridwan Olawale

Director of Studies

Part 4, Department of Linguistics and African Languages, Faculty of Arts, OAU

Osunleke-Shuaib Mus'ab

Welfare Director

Part 2, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, OAU

Olaoye Abdulmalik

Editor In Chief

Part 3, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, OAU

Mahmud Qonitat

Assistant Editor In Chief

Part 3, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, OAU

Oloyede Moyinoluwa John


Part 2, Department of Demography and Social Statistics, Faculty of Social Science, OAU

Ogundari Maryam Oluwademilade

Public Relations Officer (PRO)

Part 3, Department of Linguistic and African Languages, Faculty of Arts, OAU

Olanrewaju David Ayomide

Director of Socials

Part 2, Department of Demography and Social Statistics, Faculty of Social Science, OAU

Abdul-Rahman Mos'ud Olalekan

Protocol Officer.

Part 2, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, OAU.

Ajibola Badrudeen Adebare

Financial Secretary

Part 2, Department of Demography and Social Statistics, Faculty of Social Science, OAU.

Abdulhamid Mutohhir Olanrewaju

Director of Sports

Part 3, Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, OAU

Mr. A.O Oyediran

Staff Adviser of the Club

from Directorate of Internal Audit, OAU

Dr. Hassan, A.O

Staff Adviser of the Club

Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, OAU


  1. The constitution shall be supreme and it shall be bidding on all members of the club.
  2. The constitution however is subordinate to the rules and regulations of the University.
  3. It shall be applicable in any court of law concerning the students in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

  1. The power of ultimate interpretation of this constitution shall rest with president of this club.
  2. Such interpretation can be reversed by two-third of members of executives/members of club.
  3. In this constitution, unless it is otherwise expressly stated by context, all masculine pronounced include feminine.

  1. To amend this constitution, at least two-third of members present at the congress must support the motion.
  2. A constitution review committee shall be constituted to amend the constitution.
  3. Amendment of this constitution shall be made effective by a resolution passed by two-third of members present at the congress and a resolution passed by the Council of Elders.

  1. The name of the club shall be “TORCH BEARER CLUB, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife chapter and the slogan shall be “THE TORCH BEARER………… WE LIGHT UP THE WORLD”

  1. The secretariat address of the club shall be ETF Hall, Block 3, Room 108 at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife


  1. To train members for future leadership role
  2. To produce patriotic students that would have the skills and spirits to serve the club and the nation at large.
  3. To co-operate and exchange ideas with other students’ organizations.
  4. To enhance the spirit of creativity and self-discovery among the members
  5. To assist members in achieving their desired goals in the University without any form of malpractices.

  1. There shall be fortnight meeting which is compulsory for every member of the club to attend. The meeting shall either be physical or virtual. The physical meeting shall always be done on OAU campus while the virtual meeting shall be done on the official club’s Google meet, Zoom or whatapp group or any other social media platform owned by the club.
  2. Excursions, seminar, tutorials, empowerment scheme, skill acquisitions and other activities shall be organized by the club at least once in a month.
  3. Any other social activities and welfare services that can be of great useful to students of Obafemi Awolowo University shall always be carried out by the c lub.
  4. There shall be club’s congress which shall always hold on campus at least once in a semester.

  1. Shall be called by General Secretary at the instructions of president
  2. The president of the club shall preside at all meetings and congresses. The vice president can only preside over the meeting/congress if the president is absent for an official matters, ill or any other reason (s).
  3. Introduction of attendance shall be taken by the General Secretary or the Assistant general Secretary.
  4. The meeting/congress shall commence and proceed in the following manners;
  5. National Anthem
  6. Motion for commencement of the meeting
  7. Introduction
  8. Reading of the last meeting minutes and its adoption
  9. State of the nation
  10. State of the campus
  11. State of the club
  12. Matter arising
  13. AOB
  14. Motion for adjournment
  15. Closing prayer
  16. If there should be any addition to the section8, subsection b, it shall be moved by the two-third of the members present at the congress/meeting

  1. Side discussions are \ forbidden
  2. Any member who cause disorderliness or any other act capable of disrupting the free flow of the meeting/congress shall be liable for suspension for two weeks
  3. Any member who which to raise a point of order, observation, information or objection shall do so by raising his or her hands until he or she is recognize by the presiding officer.
  4. All members shall appear at all meeting/congress with their school ID card or club ID card.
  5. All members shall pay their meeting due before sitting at the meeting/congress.
  6. All members must come along with the constitution of the club.

  1. There shall be a bank account opened in the name of the club.
  2. There shall be a three signatory to the bank account. The president shall be a core signatory while the treasurer, financial secretary, and the secretary shall be the alternative signatories.
  3. At least, two of them shall be valid for the purpose of withdrawals.
  4. The club's money shall not be kept in any personal account upon collection except during weekends or public holidays.

  1. Every member of the club shall pay due in every semester. The amount to be paid will be subjected to the agreement of members of the club.
  2. The club shall also be financed through registration fees, fines and levies
  3. The association shall solicit for fund from the general public, Government institutions, Alumni, philanthropists etc.
  4. The association shall in its own capacity engage in business with the aim of raising money

  1. The club advisers and patrons shall supervise the income and expenditure of the club.
  2. The club advisers and patrons shall be determined by the act of the executives which shall be ratified by 2/3 majority of the congress.

Every bonafide student of this University either a male or female, irrespective of his or her religion, tribe, personality, creed etc shall be eligible to be a member after he or she might have been thoroughly assessed. The following procedures shall be undergone by every intending member.

  1. An application form is obtained from the secretariat of the club with an affordable fee. The fee of which shall be fixed or determined by the executive of the club and it not refundable.
  2. Duly filled forms shall be submitted to the secretariat of the club within a stipulated time by the screening committee
  3. That anyone who wants to be a member of the club must not be a member of secret cult or any other confraternity society whose aim and purpose are oblivious to the general public.
  4. That every new member must perform his or her financial obligation before being accorded full membership

  1. All financial up to date members shall have the right to participate in all the activities of the club.
  2. Members shall have the right to vote and be voted for as long as they meet up with the provisions of this constitution and those set up by the electoral committee.
  3. Members shall have right to use the facilities and equipment of the club having paid their dues.
  4. Members shall have right to express their opinion during meeting
  5. Individuals who have served in an executive or contributed to the growth of the club deserve a certificate of recognition.
  6. New members shall be entitled to a copy of the sacrosanct constitution without payment. Provision of it should be made by the executive.

  1. Any member who does not turn-up for meeting/congress without proper notification to the appropriate quarter shall be liable to fine of N50.
  2. Any absenteeism from two consecutive meetings/congresses without notification attracts fine of N100 and a seizure of talking or voting right for the meeting/congress which he/she attended next.
  3. A continuation of act of section3a and b for three times in a semester is liable to expiration of membership of concern member.
  4. Lateness to meeting/congress without prior notification attracts; (i) if within first 30 minutes of commencement, attracts a fine of N10; (ii) if after 30minutes of commencement, attracts a fine of N20 and any other punishment by the protocol officer.
  5. Any member who arrives one hour after commencement of the meeting/congress without prior notification to appropriate quarter will not be allowed to contribute, talk or vote but remain observer throughout the meeting/congress.

The administration structure of the club shall consist of the executive council, council of elders and committees.

  1. The President
  2. The Vice President .
  3. The General Secretary
  4. Assistant General Secretary
  5. The Financial Secretary
  6. The Treasurer
  7. The Public Relations Officer
  8. The Director of Social
  9. The Director of Sport
  10. Welfare Officer
  11. Protocol Officer
  12. Director of Studies
  13. Editor-In-Chief

  1. The council of elders shall consist of all past presidents and advisers of the club
  2. They shall have the right to accept or reject any decision made at the club meeting or congress
  3. They shall have the power to discipline any executive or member found of any misconduct

There shall be the following committees:

  1. The screening committee
  2. The social committe
  3. The disciplinary committee
  4. Academic committee
  5. Audit committee
  6. Electoral committee

The screening committee shall see to the following:

  1. It shall be in-charge of the sale of registration forms to intending members
  2. It shall submit all necessary documents to the financial secretary and general secretary
  3. It shall invite the intending member(s) to a screening exercise where they will be scrutinized before admission
  4. The committee shall reserve the right to either admit or reject any intending member
  5. It shall comprise of the Vice president and assistant general secretary as the chairman and secretary respectively and any other three members of the club.

The committee shall see to the following

  1. It shall see to the organization of social and educative events for the club within and outside the campus. Such events include seminars, conferences, tutorial and lots more.
  2. It shall be responsible for all social activities within the club. E.g.; launching, swearing in and handing over, etc.
  3. It shall comprise social director, welfare director, director of studies of the club and any other three members

The disciplinary shall see to the following;

  1. It shall comprise of the council of elders i.e. past presidents and advisers of the club
  2. It shall see to detect and examine some behavioral problems among members and executives of the club.
  3. It shall have power to give final verdict on any member or executive who is found guilty of any misconduct.
  4. It shall be responsible for the investigation of all reports of indiscipline, negligence of responsibility (duty) corruption by any member or executive of the club.
  5. Shall have the power to summon any member or executive having been given 48 hours notice

  1. Shall consist of five members of the club which will be headed by director of studies of the club.
  2. Shall investigate academic matters and make recommendation and present to the club meeting/congress..
  3. Shall be shouldered with the responsibility of organizing tutorial classes, academic summits and other academic related programs for the club

  1. Shall consist of 5 members of the club
  2. Shall not consist of any member of the executive council.
  3. They shall have power to audit the account of the club at any time as requested by two-third members of the club and shall have between the dissolution of the executive council and the swearing in of the new executive council to audit the account of the club.
  4. Shall have power to summon any member of the executive council having been given a 48-hour notice.
  5. Such office (s) in (d) above shall answer all the questions asked and provide any document(s) as required by audit committee.
  6. Shall make recommendations and present to the congress

The electoral committee shall consist of five members of the club. The president of the club shall have the power to appoint chairman and secretary while the three others shall be nominated by the members of the club during congress.

The following shall be the function of electoral committee:

  1. The sale of nomination forms.
  2. The screening of candidates to determine their eligibility to contest.
  3. Organization and supervision of election effectively and in good faith.
  4. The conduct of election shall be either of the following
    1. Open ballot
    2. Secret ballot
    3. Open secret ballot

The following shall be the procedure for the club’s electioneering process:

  1. A candidate for any office must be duly registered member of the club and must have performed his/her membership obligations in accordance with this constitution.
  2. Only financial member(s) shall have right to be voted for
  3. He/she must have been a regular member of the club for at least a semester
  4. He/she must be free from any act of immorality, misconduct and must have at least 2.5 in his/her CGPA
  5. Intending executive members should be free from financial embarrassment
  6. He/she must obtain a nomination form fee which is non-refundable from the electoral committee.
  7. The election shall be done yearly at the end of University session.

  1. Swearing in of new officers shall be done within two weeks after the election.
  2. A delegate from the council of elders or the club advisers shall swear in all elected officers of the Executive Counci
  3. No officer shall assume office without being swear in.

The oath of office of the club (s) shall hereby be:
I............................. solemnly accept the office of ...............................and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to THE TORCH BEARER, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife chapter that as the ................................of club, I shall discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully and in accordance with the provision of this constitution. That I shall strive to preserve the aims and objectives of the club. That I shall always abide by any decision of the club without going against it. That I shall be expelled from the club if I am found guilty of any immoral or anti-social practices that could drag the name of the club into the mud. I affirm that I, ….. subject myself to the provisions of this constitution and the decision (s) made by the club. So help me God. Amen.

  • Shall take place at least once in a semester.
  • Shall be called by General Secretary at the instructions of president
  • The decisions of the congress are supreme and final but maybe change by the council of elders
  • Emergency congress shall be called on the prerogative of the executives.
  • Notice of congress shall be passed in due course while there shall be a notice of at least 48 hours (2 days) for emergency congress
  • The venue of congress shall always be on campus.
  • There should be perfect silence. No side talks, nor shall distractions of any kind be allowed during congresses
  • Every platform should be used for the notice of the Congress including the department notice board
  • Penalties for various offences shall be at the discretion of the protocol officer. Penalties will be given by the president only if the protocol officer is absent
  • The medium of expression during meetings shall be in English language
  • president

    1. The president shall be regarded as head of the club and the use of division of power shall be exercised by him
    2. The president shall have the power to oversee the affairs of all committees
    3. Shall see to the overall supervision of the club.
    4. Shall chairman all executive meetings, general meetings and congresses.
    5. Shall be a major signatory to all official (most especially monetary) documents of the club.
    6. The president shall only vote when an issue ties in executive, general meetings and congress meetings.
    7. Shall advise the secretary general as to when all congresses, general meetings and executive meetings shall be heard.
    8. He must have the support of at least six (6) of the executive members before decision.
    9. Shall perform other duties as assigned to him by the club.
    10. Shall use veto power when there is a dire need for it

    Vice President

    1. Shall work hand in hand with the president at all times.
    2. Shall stand in for the president in his/her absence.
    3. Shall conduct debates, essay writings, direct voting and take attendance during meetings/congresses.
    4. Shall chairman all the committees set up by the executive except otherwise stated by the president.
    5. Shall perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the club.
    6. Shall automatically become the President when post is declared vacant.

    General Secretary

    1. Shall keep record of all correspondence received on behalf of the club.
    2. Shall keep the minutes of the congresses, general meeting and executive meetings
    3. Shall present in each semester a report of the activities that took place to the house.
    4. Shall summon both congresses and executive meetings in consultation with the President.
    5. Shall act in the absence of both the President and the Vice President.
    6. Shall be a core signatory to all official documents.
    7. Shall perform other duties as assigned to him by the association.
    8. Shall be an alternative signatory to all monetary documents.
    9. Attendance shall be kept with much care and presented to the electoral committee during dissolvent.

    Assistant Secretary General

    1. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the General Secretary in taking attendance.
    2. Shall assist the General Secretary in duties as assigned by the Secretary.
    3. Shall stand in for the Secretary in general meetings, congresses and executive meetings
    4. Shall automatically become the Secretary when the post is declared vacant.
    5. Shall perform duties as assigned to him/her by the club.

    Financial Secretary

    1. Shall submit a financial report of the club to the executive and the congress at least once a semester.
    2. Shall oversee and monitor every monetary issues of the club.
    3. Shall sign all vouchers or claims before payment is effected.
    4. Shall keep records to financial transaction (income and expenditure) of the club.
    5. Shall present the record of the club's financial records to the audit committee.


    1. Shall be an alternate signatory to the club's bank account.
    2. Shall keep records to financial transaction (income and expenditure) of the committee.
    3. Shall present the record of the club's financial records to the audit committee
    4. Shall perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the club.

    Public Relations Officer

    1. Shall serve as mouth piece of the club
    2. Shall be responsible for the publication of all the club activities
    3. Shall make necessary contact on behalf of the club.
    4. Shall oversee the media hub of the club on behalf of the executive members.
    5. Shall perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the club

    Director Of Social

    1. Shall be responsible for all social activities of the club.
    2. Shall arrange and conduct all excursions and tours undertaken by the club.
    3. Shall play key role in ensuring newly admitted members of the club are well oriented.
    4. Shall be a representative of the club in every other social activity where in the presence of the club is requested.
    5. Shall perform other duties as assigned to him by the club

    Director Of Sports

    1. Shall be in charge of all sporting activities of the club.
    2. Shall serve as representative of the club in every other social activity where in the presence of the club is requested
    3. Shall organize sport competitions.
    4. Shall perform other duties assigned by the club

    Welfare Officer

    1. Shall see to all welfare and well-being of club members.
    2. He or she will be responsible for maintenance of the club’s secretariat.
    3. Shall carry out all other functions as may be delegated to him/her

    Protocol Officer

    1. Shall maintain discipline during meeting, congress or social gatherings.
    2. Shall use his/her discretion to levy/fine any member who disorders the meeting or congress.
    3. Shall keep records of defaulters owing the club.
    4. Shall carry out all other functions as may be delegated to him/her.

    Director of Studies

    1. Shall be in-charge of all academic activities of the club
    2. Shall carry out all other functions as may be delegated to him/her.


    1. Shall constitute five-man committee that will serve as Editorial Board.
    2. Shall be the chairman of the Editorial Board
    3. Shall be in charge of the club’s board.
    4. Shall see to weekly release
    5. Shall act as intermediary between members and executives.

    1. Any member who does not turn-up for meeting/congress without proper notification to the appropriate quarter shall be liable to fine of N50.
    2. Any absenteeism from two consecutive meetings/congresses without notification attracts fine of N100 and a seizure of talking or voting right for the meeting/congress which he/she attended next.
    3. A continuation of act of section3a and b for three times in a semester is liable to expiration of membership of concern member.
    4. Lateness to meeting/congress without prior notification attracts; (i) if within first 30 minutes of commencement, attracts a fine of N10; (ii) if after 30minutes of commencement, attracts a fine of N20 and any other punishment by the protocol officer.
    5. Any member who arrives one hour after commencement of the meeting/congress without prior notification to appropriate quarter will not be allowed to contribute, talk or vote but remain observer throughout the meeting/congress.

    1. Any executive member shall cease to hold office if a motion for his removal is supported by two-third of the members of the club present at a meeting/congress. This, however, is subject to review by the council of elders who may reject or accept the decision of the meeting/congress.
    2. If a notice in written form is given to the president stipulating that the conduct of the executive member be investigated so as to determine whether he/she is guilty of misconduct in the performance of the functions of his/her office and the notice is signed by at least two-third of the members present at a meeting/congress.
    3. The president shall thereafter convene a meeting/congress to consider the matter and the president or any other person presiding over the sitting, shall after permitting the motion to be debated during such period as he/she thinks fit, direct a vote on the motion and the executive member shall be dismissed on a vote of at least two-third of the members of the club present and voting.
    4. The council of elders shall have the right to either reject or accept the decision of the house.

    1. The president shall be removed by the club after a motion for his/her removal is supported by two-third of the members of the club present.
    2. The council of elders shall have the right to either reject or accept the decision of the house.

    1. Any member of the Executive Council who wishes to resign shall communicate such decision to the executive council through the General Secretary (in case of the General Secretary), he/she shall submit through the President giving at least a two week notice.
    2. The officer resigning must, if he/she holds any Executive post, at least two weeks before his resignation takes effect, submit a comprehensive report of his/her official activities to date of his/her resignation.
    3. If the speaker is the resigning officer, he/she shall forward his letter of resignation to the council of elders.
    4. No resignation shall take effect unless and until the competent authority specified in this section has accepted it and unless and until this is done. The resigning officer shall loyally discharge the duties of the officer he/she intends to vacate.
    5. The competent authority may before accepting the resignation, refer the matter to the club disciplinary committee. It is satisfied that the ground for resignation is frivolous, or it is an attempt to escape liability (s) for misconduct against the interest of the entire members of the club and for which the officer should have otherwise been dismissed.

    1. It shall be the duty of the President assigned through the General Secretary to summon meeting of the executive council
    2. The President shall preside over all Executive Council meetings except in his/her absence when the vice president shall preside.
    3. Notice of the meetings of the executive council shall be circulated at least 48 hours in advance.
    4. The President shall call a meeting upon request by at least two third member of the EC.
    5. Should the President fail to call the meeting in (d) above after one week of receipt of written request, the General Secretary shall summon the Executive meeting.

    1. At the executive council meeting, more than half of the member of the EC shall form a quorum.
    2. Quorum can only be suspended by at least two-third of the majority of the members present before the commencement of the meeting.

    1. Except otherwise stipulated in any part of this constitution, voting at the executive council meetings shall be by of hands.
    2. The President is not allowed to vote unless there is a tie.

    1. Any OAU student who is not a member of the club may be allowed to observe the club’s general meeting/congress.
    2. Any invited guest who is not a member of the club may be allowed to observe the club’s general meeting/congress.

    1. The president of the club shall only call for deliberating a motion after an extensive deliberation on any issue under consideration.
    2. Such motion may be for or against (counter motion) the subject under consideration.
    3. The mover of any motion or counter motion shall be given the opportunity to explain the rationale behind the motion.
    4. The president may then call for an amendment of any motion and shall be to leave out words, to insert or add words.
    5. If there is/ are counter motions, the president calls for voting.
    6. If there is/are counter motions to any deliberation motions. The latter passes unanimously.

    1. The president may call upon for procedural motions.
    2. Members of the club may call upon procedural motions by point or order and correction of information.
    3. Such shall be to:
      • Withdraw motion
      • Adjourned the sitting
      • Introduce any business deemed by the president to be urgent.
      • Reverse a decision of the president.

    1. The president and the general secretary shall sit facing the house
    2. The general secretary shall be called upon to read the minute of the last meeting.
    3. With the exception of the president, every other person addressing the house shall be on his/her feet and shall acknowledge the house.
    4. If the president has the need to rise to assert his/her authority, any other member of the club standing shall sit immediately and keep mute.
    5. The president shall recognize a member raising his/her hand before he/she allowed to speak.
    6. Once the meeting/congress has started its proceedings, movement to and fro within the house would be prohibited except with permission of the president or protocol officer.
    7. Every member of the club must respect the ruling of the president during and after meeting/congress.
    8. Any member, who deliberately flouts the order of the president, shall be sent out for the remaining of the meeting/congress and if he/she is an executive member, same shall be applied.
    9. The ruling of the president can be reversed by at least two third of the members present and it shall be by voting.
    10. The president shall be called on order on any issue bordering on misconduct, negligence of duty and or unilateral reason by at least two third of majority of the members present at voting.
    11. Debate within the House must be limited to the pending questions.
    12. The president shall rule out of order any member who fails to adhere to the subject of discussion.
    13. Point of order: a point of order when raised should be heard at all times except when voting or when the president is on his/her feet.
    14. Recess shall be called for by the president and must be supported by at least two third of the members present.
    15. The recess shall not exceed 10 minutes. This is subject to extension by the president.
    16. All members must reconvene immediately after the approved recess time. Member(s) who absconds after recess will be considered absent for the sitting

    1. The president shall call for motion for adjournment after an extensive and decisive deliberation of the matter on the agenda.
    2. A motion for the adjournment of a meeting/congress may be moved by any member present.
    3. Further debates within the house will not be permitted once the motion for adjournment has been passed into resolution.

    1. Each Executive Council member shall be awarded certificate of service after a successful completion of their tenure.
    2. Any member of the club that s a very good conduct shall be awarded certificate of service after a successful completion of a year.
    3. All rewards shall be done by the council of elders.